Jupiter High School
Classes of 1956 - 1968

- 2022 Reunion Events
- 2022 Reunion Photos
- 2022 Things to do in Jupiter
- 2022 Golf Tournament
- 2017 Reunion Events and Photos
- 2014 Reunion Events and Photos
- 2012 and Earlier Reunion Photos
- 2011 Reunion Success
- Alma Mater
- In Memory
- Previous News Items
- Current Hotel Listing
- Class Notes
- JHS Remodel Project
- Websites to View
- History/Videos

• | Lana Turner (1968) 2/8 |
• | Billie Evans (Wiles) (1965) 2/9 |
• | Dave Floyd (1966) 2/9 |
• | Glenda Allison (Nunnally) (1967) 2/10 |
• | Judy Traendly (Conroy) (1964) 2/12 |
• | Dodie Bentham (Graul) (1967) 2/13 |
• | David Snow (1967) 2/13 |
• | James Odell Jones (1961) 2/16 |
• | Barrett Park Taft (1962) 2/16 |
• | Laura Colbert (Taft) (1964) 2/17 |
• | Stephanie Wilson (Daughter Of Charles Wilson Sapp -1965) 2/17 |
• | Robert “Bob” Price (1963) 2/20 |
• | Cindy Asbury (1965) 2/21 |
• | Robert Williams (1964) 2/21 |
• | Michael Adair (1965) 2/25 |
• | Gail Gifford (Hoepner) (1965) 2/25 |
• | Linda Anschutz (Bednarczyk) (1967) 2/27 |
• | Carol Evans (Picucci) (1966) 2/28 |
• | Charles “Chuck” Knight (1962) 2/28 |
• | Homer Bryan Miller (1968) 3/1 |
• | Linda Harry (Arnold) (1965) 3/2 |
• | Barrie Brett (Gonzalez) (1968) 3/5 |
• | Janet Jones (Montgomery) (1965) 3/5 |
• | Marty Wiggins (Dawkins) (1965) 3/5 |
• | Eugene Rainville (1964) 3/6 |
• | Barry Beck (1965) 3/9 |
• | Cindi Pennock (Glenn) (1965) 3/11 |
• | Ellen Whitacre (Kitts) 3/11 |
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The Jupiter High Classes of 1956 - 1968 Website
Save the Dates!!
After much deliberation, the Reunion Committee has decided on the dates for the anchor events of the next reunion. We've booked the following locations and dates.
Friday, October 17, 2025
Saturday, October 18, 2025
After hosting events at these facilities in the past, the Committee felt that they both offer the best combination of comfortable surroundings and reasonable price. Of course, the Civic Center is right on the ocean and the Community Center is in the Town of Jupiter complex right off Indiantown Road. We plan on adding more events but wanted to give everyone plenty of advance notice.
Class of 64 Reunion - June 29, 2024!!
The Class of 1964 successfully held their special reunion at the Civic Center that was organized by Janie Neville Broadstreet and Corinne Murphy Porter. We have created a button to upload any photos from the Reunion. It can be found by clicking on the link to the upper right called “Class of 64 Reunion.” You'll be guided through the steps to upload any photos you've taken to the website. Those of us from other classes can't wait to see what we missed!
2022 Reunion Golfers
Recently, while on a family vacation, Dave Bogue was scrolling through photos on his phone to share and came across this gem from the 2022 Reunion. When he showed it to Jimmy Colbert, he said, “We’ve got to put that on the website!” Well here it is:
R1-Jim Helm, Julie Duke (Tomala), Danny Wells, Jim Colbert, Mike Haas, Pat Manahan; R2-Tony Cutillo, Walter Millet, Wes Oldham, Bob Froelich, Joe Green; R3-Doug Bogue, Dave Bogue, Wally Clegg, Mike Barnes (Cox); R4-Tom Brown, Gary Voorhees, Fred Bischoff, Al Zavaletta (Our Host)
A larger version of this picture can be found under "2022 Reunion Photos" in the "uploaded by Walter Clegg" section.
Thank You Letter from Jupiter Inlet Lighthouse
Recently the Reunion Committee made a donation to the Jupiter Inlet Lighthouse and Museum for $1000. They have helped us out with events and activities over the years and we wanted to thank them for their support. Dan Kleiser, JHS 64, a member of our committee, facilitated the donation and is named on the letter.
Thank you Dan for helping so much with our communication with the Lighthouse staff.
Race Car Driver Graduated from JHS!!
We recently learned that Bob Gomer, Class of 64, is driving a race car. And even more surprising, he’s winning races at Daytona! We were skeptical at first but when we saw some pictures, we were convinced. Bob won races on Saturday and Sunday, Aug. 3 and 4. He’s leading the SE USA road racing series. Here he is with his car:
We learned that so far this year he has 5 pole positions, 7 first places, and 2 lap records. Here’s a shot of his car outside it's trailer:
And here’s a shot of Bob after winning his first race at Daytona 57 years ago:
Here’s the trophy he just won at Daytona: (I almost forgot, he averaged 162.7 mph!!)
What an inspiration. Bob's currently fighting cancer and is undergoing chemo treatments but he pauses those treatmens when he's got a race coming up. His doctor is not thrilled with that strategy but maybe car racing is just as effective as the chemo.
2022 Reunion Success!!
Some of our intrepid alumni and guests actually climbed up to the observation platform near the top of the Lighthouse during the tour. Dave Bogue volunteered to stay on the ground so he could snap this picture. That's Jimmy Colbert waving in the center.
As we hang our fancy clothes back up in the closet, we wanted to offer everyone a spot to post any pictures you would like to share. At the top left, there is a link called “2022 Reunion Photos”. You can create your own gallery or add your photos to an existing gallery.
The Reunion Committee appreciates the kind postings in the Message Forum.
Jimmy Colbert was able to record the JHS Chorus singing the Alma Mater this Saturday, Feb. 3, 2024, at the Jupiter Jubilee. The Jubilee is an annual celebration put on by the Town of Jupiter the first week of February since 2003. The Town held a 75th Anniversary Celebration in 2000 which led to the annual Jubilee. (We understand that Jimmy announced that the Alma Mater was written by Lissa Dailey, Class of 65, after the performance.) Below is a link to the video that he was able to shoot.
Debbie Whitacre (McGrath) recently sent us some pages from the Jupiter Courier of May 20, 1965. It's always fun to browse the news from days gone by. (Since the pages are a little blurry, we've added links below each image to display a higher resolution version.)
Mickey McGrath was kind enough to share this picture from the 1960 Christmas Parade.
L to R: Jim Raby, John Sherry Meyers, Drayton Lieb, and Mickey McGrath, all members of the Class of 1961. Johnnie Lieb is driving the truck.
Recently Pat Manahan posted this great picture of the 1963-64 JHS football team on Facebook. Since not all of you were able to see it, we decided to post it again here:
Front L-R: Coach Shirar, Ron Lang, Dana Dahlen, Coach Hicks, Coach Cole; 2nd Row: Gerry Olsen, John Traendly, Howard Gibson, Dick Legal, Danny Mills, Bill Dill, Robert Williams, Pat Manahan, Bill Brasch; 3rd Row: Bennie Manifield, Niels Nevad, Gary Voorhees, Tom Thomas, Rodney Williamson, Scott Mills, Don Bozeman, Dave Bogue, Allen Horton; 4th Row: Don Harrison, Harvey Woodard, George Wooten, Alan Adair, Mike Adair, Barry Beck, Joe Zeegers, Hank Dusenberry. Not pictured: Ray McHale and Ronnie Boyd.
Welcome to the Class of 68!!
Recently the Reunion Committee reached out to the Class of 68 Committee to see if they would be interested in joining our multi-year web site. They were enthusiastic about the idea and ran it by more members of their committee who all approved. So we have changed the years on our site to now say 1956 to 1968. After all, we all attended the “Old School” for at least part of our formative years.
We have combined the list of people that the Class of 68 has given us with everyone from the 68 year book. So if you are a member of the Class of 68, click on Alumni Profiles on the upper left and find your entry under 1968. Click on your name and you will be prompted through creating a profile. Once you log in, you’ll be able to navigate anywhere on our site to look over our past reunion photos and read the news we have gathered over the years.
We look forward to you all adding more news and photos of your own.
To celebrate the announcement of a reunion in 2022, we thought the most appropriate picture to post would be that of a rainbow over the inlet. Coincidentally, Dave Bogue’s daughter, Jenny, shared this picture with us that she took on July 14th.
Ken Cole Passes
We were saddened to hear about the passing of Ken Cole who taught and coached at JHS for many years. Coach Cole turned our basketball program into a powerhouse program in the 60's. He was married to Jeri Germaine Walker Cole from the Class of 64. We made an entry for Coach Cole in the Guest area under Alumni Profiles so we could post his obituary there.
JHS Class of 2020 Senior Awards
As a break from the news of the day, we thought you would enjoy the JHS announcements for Friday, May 15th as well as the 2020 Senior Awards. The bonus is our alma mater, written by Lissa Dailey in 1965, sung by the JHS Chorus to start off the awards segment.
The first few minutes are the announcements given by 3 current JHS students. The awards and the alma mater come next. Here is the video:
We hope you enjoy it and maybe even know some of the students honored.

Great Newspaper Clippings from 1965!
Mike and Judy Barnes were kind enough to scan some clippings from their archives relating to the 1964-1965 JHS Basketball Team. These clippings really convey those times. Let's start with the schedule, kindly brought to you by McDonalds.
But I think my favorite clipping is this one: Coach Cole's "Lack of a Gym" story. It really captured the grit of the team that did so well despite having that tiny auditorium floor to practice on. (Unfortunately, the article is so wide that it doesn't fit too well here so I am reprinting the text below so you can read it.)
Jupiter is the only high school in Palm Beach County without a basketball gym, but this has been a blessing in disguise in the opinion of Coach Ken Cole.
A Class B school, Jupiter currently sports a record of 12 victories and two defeats against mainly Class AA-A opposition. Its two defeats came in the Vero Beach Holiday Tournament - to Class AA McCarty by a point and to Class A Bartow by six points.
Its Class AA victims include Delray Beach Seacrest and Lake Worth of the Suncoast Conference.
Cole, in his second season as head coach of the Warriors, says, “hard work and emphasis of fundamentals” are the main reasons behind the 12-2 record and doubts that fundamentals would have been stressed so much if Jupiter had its own gym.
“We work out on the stage of the auditorium,” Cole explained Wednesday, “and we have no choice but to work on fundamentals. With that limited space we can’t scrimmage, or work on the press or the fast break. Now and then we go over to Riviera Beach for a real workout.”
Jupiter uses Riviera Beach for most of its home games.
The Warriors tallest regulars are Dan Dailey and Don Davie, both of whom stand 6-1.
“I was quite worried when the season started,” Cole said, “about whether we could get the ball off the boards. But the boys have worked real hard - working on position and working on timing. They all realized their shortcomings. They knew that if they were to win they’d have to get the ball. And you know only Seacrest has out-rebounded us and they got just two more.”
Dailey and Davie have been the “big” players off the board for the Warriors, averaging from 12 to 13 rebounds a game.
“Everyone on our team has to hit the boards,” Cole says. “We’re not that big. Our tallest boy is a reserve, Gary Goldsmith who is 6-2.”
Tom Brown (6-0) is leading the team in scoring with a 19.6 average on 275 points in 14 games. Next is 5-11 Al Zavaletta, who carries a 14.5 average.
Other starters are 6-1 Dailey with a 13.1 mark, 6-1 Davie with 9.2 and 5-9 Danny Mills with 6.0.
Cole says Brown is averaging close to 50 per cent of his field goal shots.
The Warriors make the most of their free-throw attempts.
“Brown is 76 per cent from the foul line, Dailey is 80, Davie 71 and Zavaletta 70. Dailey went 10-for-10 the other night,” the coach said.
Cole was junior varsity coach under Floyd Wilkes when the Warriors played in the Class B state tournament two years ago at Gainesville.
He would not compare his team or the 1962-1963 team that lost to Florida High of Tallahassee in the tourney opener, but believes the current team has a good chance to return to the tourney. He listed Frostproof as the toughest hurdle in the Warriors’ bid for state recognition.
Cole refuses to take full credit for the team’s success.
“I’ve got three good assistants - Jim East and Pat Seachord in junior high school and Paul Hard, our Jayvee coach. We all work together and teach the same system. By the time the boys reach me they’re all pretty well schooled in basketball fundamentals.”
But the Jupiter skipper has to keep up with those fundamentals because he hasn’t a gym big enough to do otherwise.
While going through some family memorabilia, Debbie Dahlen McKinney recently came across a newspaper clipping announcing the 1965 JHS Graduation. She was kind enough to scan it and let us display it here. We thought it was a fascinating insight into how the graduation ceremony was a community event of interest to the whole town.
New Jupiter Elementary Historic Auditorium Restoration Project
Grace Sardinha Grenfell was nice enough to share a letter she received announcing an organizational meeting of a steering committee for the completion of our High School Auditorium remodel. They also have set up a fund raising site for this project.
We thought it appropriate to modify the link on the left that had Dan Gladwin's report on the remodel of the rest of the school from 2009 and call the new link, JHS Remodel Project. Dan's report is still there and as we learn of progress on this project, we will add the news under the new link.
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